This exhibition arises from the desire to value the presence of the artist Romà Vallès in Teià in relation to the centenary of his birth (1923-2023). In 1968, the painter Romà Vallès settled in the gothic traditional Catalan farmhouse Can Monac in Teià. This space becoming the main stage of his artistic production for thirty-two years.
The Gothic space and its surroundings provide him with the ideal environment to develop his abstract paintings. This is explained in numerous quotes and photographs published in his monographic catalogues. Over the years, Romà Vallès left 28 works in Teià in public and private collections. We dress the exhibition with this background.
Despite the self-imposed limitation of exhibiting only the works that have remained in Teià, we can show examples of almost all the series that Romà Vallès produced until he left the studio in 2001. Cosmogonies Sèrie blanca and Collage El Mundo roto of the Sixties, Floracions, Quatre elements and Nous conceptes Procés-pintura from the 1970s, Sèrie Signes of the 1980s, Nous espais andEntre segles of the 1990s.
Romà Vallès in Teià is a recognition of his presence in the town. A work based on affection and a return of his disciples, Jordi Cerdà, Joan Casellas and Victòria Pujadas to his teachings and friendship. As the subject of the exhibition, 15 pictorial works and a lot of documents and memories, long talks and cosmic visions under the Milky Way that crosses the gabled roof of Can Monac.
From 2 to 25 June 2023