
Romà Vallès (Barcelona 1923-2015) is one of the main artists of contemporary Catalan visual arts, and more specifically a key pioneer of Catalan informalism.

This year, we are celebrating the centenary of his birth. To mark the occasion, his family has prepared a series of events to exhibit his work and to allow the public to get to know him better. This web page is the starting point for this centenary celebration, and we will be posting recommendations, activities and bibliographical information, with the aim of spreading knowledge of his career.





Román Vallés in Teià

From 2 to 25 June 2023 - Teià - Barcelona


Román Vallés on the move

July / December 2023 - Calaceite - Teruel


Press release

Recordant Romà Vallès – 100 anys has the will to spread his work and make known his more personal and human side through the family legacy.

Numerous publications have been made about Romà Vallès throughout his life, and the aim of this commission is to give a more personalized view of his work and put it in the context of the 21st century…

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Romà Vallés in Teià

Interview with Romà Vallès

through the gesture, the most intimate characteristics
of oneself can be transferred to the canvas